Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Food Hunt

The Food Hunt is an activity where the bunny has to find hidden treats. This is good stimulation for your bunny's senses (especially that cute, twitching nose!) and encourages foraging.

What you need: 
  • Treats which are dry
  • Note: Since I do not purchase commercial rabbit treats for my bunnies, I use pieces of carrots instead.

  1. Get the treats ready! (As a reminder, a bunny should only have a teaspoon of fruits/treats a day.)

  2. Hide the treats in reasonably challenging places.

    "Ooh, the carrots are on the box."
  3. If your bunny appears to require hints, guide him/her by directing his attention to the correct hiding spot, eg: by snapping your fingers.

    "In my food bowl, hoomin?"
  4. Remember to check that all treats have been eaten and not left in their hiding spots.

Try to change the hiding spots every few days. Being the smart and intelligent creatures they are, bunnies memorise all the same ones very quickly - and predictability wouldn't be as engaging or fun!

Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Importance of Praise and Encouragement

1. Forges a good relationship between you and your bunny
  • Bunnies learn good habits by being praised for doing things right, NOT by being punished for doing wrong. 
  • Constantly dropping comments like: "You're a naughty, bad rabbit!" achieves nothing, and would only result in the bunny seeing you as a human who dislikes him/her.

    Look at the sparkle in those eyes - bunnies are intelligent creatures

2. A source of comfort and support when your bunny is sick
  • Lots of praise and encouragement can help raise our bunny's spirits. Don't hesitate to shower your bunny with compliments when he/she is considering to pick up a strand of hay or drink water.
  • You'd be surprised, but keeping up with positive messages for your bunny would give you a boost as well - and as you're the caretaker, it is essential to maintain your composure.

    Dutchie enjoying a head scratch