Bunnies don't nap and sleep for long hours like cats, but they do spend a considerable amount of time resting:
Bunnies adopt different resting positions depending:
- on their mood
- how they feel about their surroundings
- current health.
1. The 'side-leg'
- The side-leg is a very common position chosen. No particular meaning; the bunny is relaxing.
2. The 'patty'
- The 'patty' is another common resting position. No particular meaning; the bunny is relaxing.
3. The 'egg'
- A bunny may assume the 'egg' position for several different reasons:
- he/she is resting and dozing off
- he/she feels slightly cold (perhaps it's raining and you have tile flooring?)
- he/she is lethargic due to illness
- How to differentiate between resting and lethargy due to sickness?
- If the bunny hops up immediately and is very enthusiastic when his/her food is presented, the bunny was just relaxing. It is unlikely that he/she was in discomfort.
- The bunny is rather comfortable with his/her surroundings to completely stretch out.
5. The 'bunny flop'
- The bunny is contented, happy and feels safe in his/her environment. Often, bunnies tend to fall asleep in this position. When bunnies sleep, their noses stop wiggling so often and they grind their teeth softly.
Additional notes:
- No matter the position, if the bunny rests at the same spot for hours without moving much (=not getting up to eat hay or grooming at all), it is likely that the bunny is sick. He/she is feeling uncomfortable and unusually tired.
- The names for the above resting positions can vary from bunny human to bunny human. These are the words I personally use. You are free to make up your own!
First published on 15/02/2015